Milk Drink

Milk are contains many nutrition that useful for our body.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mother-Baby Bonding

By breast milk mother and baby can bond each other, according to the new research that determines breast milk feeding mothers are more likely than formula milk feeding moms to bong with their infants in the months after they're born. This research also demonstrate the stronger brain responses when they hear their baby cry, according to a study published in May issue of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

All mother's brains were more active when listening to their own baby's cry, but the changes in the breast feeding mother's relevant brain regions were far more significant. Formula milk feeding moms may fall into a lower socioeconomic bracket, as a result, the women in the MRI study were a fairly homogeneous bunch; white, middle to upper class women with a least a college degree.

The first link brain activity with maternal behavior, is likely to reinforce the convictions of breast feeding mothers that they're doing right by their babies and make formula feeding moms squirm a little.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nine Benefits of Soy Milk

Soy milk is milk with a low price, have high nutritional value and suitable for young and old. Accompanied by a piece of toast, drink soy milk in the morning is a tradition of healthy and comfortable.
The scientists believe that soy milk can benefit our physical bodies, such as:

1. Strengthening the physical body

Containing 4.5 g protein, 1.8 grams fat, 1.5 grams, carbohydrates, 4.5 g phosphorus, 2.5 g iron, 2.5 grams of calcium, vitamins, and sebagaianya ribovlavin in every 100 grams of soy milk to improve our physical body.

2. Preventing diabetes

Soy milk contains large amounts of cellulose which can prevent the absorption of excess sugar. Reducing sugar levels can prevent diabetes. Soy milk intake is important for diabetics.

3. Preventing high blood pressure

Soy milk contains steroids, potassium, magnesium which is a powerful tool for combating substance sodium, one of the main causes of hypertension. At the time of sodium in the body can

4. Preventing coronary heart disease

Steroids, potassium, magnesium and calcium in soy milk can strengthen and improve blood flow, increase nutrients to the heart muscle, lower cholesterol and improve blood flow to prevent seizures. Drink one glass of soy milk every day can reduce up to 50% recurrence of heart disease return.

5. Preventing stroke

Magnesium and calcium in soy milk to reduce lipids and improves blood flow to the brain thus effectively preventing the occurrence of infarction and brain hemorrhage. Lecithin in soy milk may also reduce brain cell death and improve brain function.

6. Preventing cancer

Protein, selenium and molybdenum in soy milk malignant tumor suppressive. Very effective especially against stomach cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer. According to the survey, the likelihood of developing cancer for people who do not drink soy milk will increase by 50% compared with those who regularly consume soy milk.

7. Preventing bronchitis

Acid in soy milk to prevent muscle spasms, so as to reduce and prevent the onset of bronchitis.

8. Prevent aging

Selenium, vitamin E and vitamin C are antioxidants that can rejuvenate perfect our cells, especially brain cells.

9. Prevent dementia, AIDS, constipation, and obesity or overweight.